One large climb and descent brought us to the start of the renowned Eagle Creek alternate trail, lauded by PCT hikers for years. I have hiked Eagle Creek and was very happy to see it again. On the PCT, though, it is reached via the worst trail I've experienced this year. Indian Springs is a hellish vertical nightmare which caused me to fall ass over teakettle onto my ankle. Luckily, nothing broke and I only bent my trekking pole. There was relatively smooth walking from there to the trail's end, though. We passed beautiful Tunnel Falls and Punchbowl Falls and Crisscross Falls and High Bridge. I chewed out some idiot kids camped near us who ignored the fire regulations. At the parking lot, we took an accidental detour up to Wauna Point (or nearly to there), getting a great view of the Columbia River Gorge. When we got back on track, our trail angel, Shazaam, drove us into Cascade Locks, went to Trail Days with us, and put us up after we discovered that the local trail angel no longer picks up packages and we will have to wait for the post office on Monday. Superb accommodations in the back yard of a huge orchard...she even saved me from ripping through my hole-y pants!
Ramona Falls
Tunnel Falls