Toad in my path at night.
So, my feet still hurt. I'm sick of writing about it and reading my own crap about it. Point is, this influenced my 5-15 hike. Coyote and Grasshopper took off at a normal pace. I departed at my leisurely limping lope. We all met up at the Glenwood Campground, a boy scout refuge created sometime in the 60's, I'd guess. The water was yellow and warm. We decided that it came out of boy scouts.
Again, I sent Coyote, Grasshopper and Mermaid along without me. I hurt and did not want to spread my unhappiness. Everyone was hot and tired, and some folks nearby had been discussing a trip to a nearby biker bar and restaurant. Evidently, all my friends succumbed to the temptation to eat and drink things not coming from a backpack. Not knowing this, I continued, worried about the prospect of not meeting my friend Ron at the fire station the next day. I stopped around 10:30pm, camping in a bunch of sage around mile 407. Not really near enough to mile 418's fire station, but I knew I could get there a little late in the morning.